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Why I practise Yoga

I want to get this down somewhere so when I have newcomers to my classes everyone doesn’t need to hear this all over again… why I love yoga and why I think everyone can benefit form a practice.

Obviously I love yoga - I have been practising since my very early twenties, very much starting because my gym had a class and I liked the idea of being more flexible and stretching out after a vigorous gym session but after a while the practises outside of the movement got me.

I do love how yoga makes me feel physically, it makes me feel lean and strong. I move with more ease, my mobility is good, my flexibility is good. As I get older this is even more important for me - use it or lose it as they say. These asanas are thousands of years old and still going strong - there is a reason for this, I do believe it feels good for everyone (with room for variations and modifications sometimes).

But mentally it’s the same, yoga has helped me get to know myself more and be more in tune with my needs it makes me feel mentally strong and flexible. I don’t sweat the small stuff, I know where my boundaries are and I hold them. I am solid when there are challenges in life - which there always will be! This is where the magic lies - with the pranayama and the meditation and the philosophy.

My classes are very much about the asana, meditation with breath. I do not always delve into the philosophy very deeply. I do think a light touch is what people need and want from Grōwan at the moment but maybe as time goes on we will find ourselves wanting more together and we can look into the ideas behind it all.

Always happy to chat yoga - email me with any questions!
